A mixture of beautiful seasonal flowers to value
Florist Choice Bouquet.
The flowers selected were brilliant colours and a work of art.! Stunning! Service was warm and helpful. My friend loves her bouquet!
The flowers were beautiful and the colours were exactly as requested! They made a lovely gift for my mum.
$35 Florist Choice
nicely presented
Perfect as always!
Fantastic service & attention to detail, will only ever use Jan's, never been disappointed. My mother-in-law loved the flowers! Thank you :)
Floral bouquet
A lovely arrangement, friendly service, prompt delivery, happy to use Jan’s Flowers again
Colourful Bouquet
The flower arrangement was lovely, very bright colours and fresh flowers. The recipient received lots of comments from her work colleagues on how nice the flowers were. Great job !
They were absolutely Beautiful the Girls Loved them :)
Florist Choice Bouquet
My sister was very pleased to receive these flowers. She sent photos and they were colourful and elegant. Thank You.
Florist choice bouquet
My sister was very happy to receive these flowers. Colourful and elegant.