A mixture of beautiful seasonal flowers to value
Florist Choice Bouquet
I ordered this product for my Parents' Wedding Anniversary and once again it was faultless. I have been ordering flowers from Jan's Flower Shoppe for a number of years now for Birthdays and Anniversaries and I must say I have always been impressed. I thank you for always making events like my Mother's Birthday, Mothers Day and Wedding Anniversary pleasant and enjoyable.
Beautiful bouquet chosen by florist with seasonally available flowers, in the colour tones I asked for. Suggest calling and speaking with the florist who was very helpful in recommending appropriate flower varieties for the occasion.
Happy customers
My mum loved her bouquets! These bouquets put me in her good books for weeks because they last so long! Can recommend.
Mother’s Day flowers
Flowers were beautiful & Mum loved them
Lovely Balloon and Flower Arrangement
My mom was so happy to receive the flowers and balloon arrangement! Better than I expected! I've been a customer for 3yrs now and I would say Jan's Flower Shoppe never disappoint! Highly recommended!
Good value for money
The recipient told me that the flowers were beautiful and that you included some of her favourites such as sweet peas
florist 1st choice bouquet
I am in the UK and needed a bouquet of flowers sent to my daughter for her 50th birthday, who lives in Gladstone QLD. I was desperate to find a florist locally. I found Jansflowers easily on the internet and placed my order. The flowers arrived on time and the photo my daughter sent me of them were beautiful, bright and fresh and she was absolutely delighted. Thank you
Perfect Xmas flowers
The flowers were delivered on time and were fresh lasting in the extreme heat. The variety and fragrance was a special gift that hadn’t gone unnoticed as visitors passed them commenting on what beautiful flowers they were.
Flower Bouquet
Absolutely Beautiful